Filling My Plate..Metaphorically

1:00 PM

At our core I believe we are all similar.
We all get a plate.
For some reason we invariably think it is our job to fill that plate with 
as much as we can.  
Heaping piles, rarely balanced.
We fill the plate with our passions,
family, friends, faith, our dreams and STUFF.
Eventually we realize our plate is over filled.
We have to remove some of the portions.
Why is it sometimes so hard to take things off the plate?
So faced with the heaviness of an overfilled plate,
we begin removing portions.
Layer by layer.  Bit by Bit.
What a relief.
Sometimes we discover the stuff we had piled on our plate really 
wasn't any good for us, 
we didn't need it. 
Our plate was full of things that weren't fulfilling or satisfying.
We uncover the goodness, the dense portions that sustain us.
With empty space on our plates the desire to fill up once again resurfaces.
This time, however, we...I'm picky about my selection.
Prayerful, about what I select.

So I got to thinking.
There is this plate.
I want to fill.
Less superficial fluff and more intentional fruit,
fruit of the Holy Spirit.
I feel like the plate is my faith, my spirituality if you will.
Before I filled it with mindless choices, not on purpose...but with no real purpose.
My family, my passion, my faith...all of those things were on my plate but they were buried.
Now it is time to be selective about what I fill my plate with.

What are some things I'm filling up on lately...

As the Lord would have it I have stepped out in faith and am now joyfully serving in the MOPs ministry at my church.  I'm in a leadership role and stepping way outside of my comfort zone.
I'm overjoyed for the opportunity to reach out to other mothers of young children and offer a support group where women can come together and experience authentic community, personal growth, practical help, and spiritual hope.
We kick things off next week and officially begin our meetings on the 12th of September.

We are also continuing our homeschool journey.  This year Lolah will be a 3rd grade learner and Vaida beginning Kindergarten.  In the past I relied too heavily on my own expectations, desires, and talents and ended up second guessing my choice to homeschool.
However, with prayer and encouragement I am confident this is what the Lord has planned for our family and this will be the path we commit to.
We will begin the first week of September!

As I press forward with my commitment to practicing a healthier lifestyle an opportunity was presented to me.  I was offered the opportunity to attend a Les Mills Body Pump training course in STL to become a certified Body Pump instructor at Total Fitness.
Now, this is something I have ALWAYS thought about doing but had let my insecurities and STUFF hold me back in the past.  Attending the training is just the beginning really.  There is much practice and training that goes into learning the proper technique, choreography, and coaching.
I am thrilled for this opportunity and challenge!  

What are some things you are filling up on...

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