10:08 AM

I can't believe 2017 has come and gone!
What an incredible year it was!

I spent the year on a whole-body journey that was so much more than just physical.
Emotionally and Spiritually I experienced genuine growth.
The weight I lost along the way was a sweet bonus.
I declared early on it was in fact a war, slaying my dragons,
I realized along the way I wasn't alone in battle.
God is for us, for me.
I was blessed with so much support and grew relationships with people who love me.

I finally found my identity.
I'm still working on many things..
I'll always know I'm still unfinished.
However, I'm practicing living a love based life..
I'm no longer living held captive in my fears, shame, and regret.
I know I'm not perfect...
I will mess up, I will stumble, and I will have moments of weakness.
These moments do not define me.
I am Beloved.
I am a child of Christ.
I have not changed who I am...
I am becoming who am I supposed to be.


We often find ourselves measuring our value.
I think this is human nature.
We take on labels that create a false self...
We think a certain label makes us deserving of love..
However, You are loved more than you could ever know.
Rest in that love.
You CAN have bad days, this doesn't make you a BAD person.
You WILL have flaws, this doesn't make you less than.
None of those things negate your TRUE value and worth
or the
LOVE God has for YOU.

My faith is the most important thing in my life.
Surrender was the hardest, and sweetest part of this journey so far.
It is a daily choice.  I want to live from love, not fear.
I want a love based live that is anchored in the truth that I am loved.
He is enough.
God cares about us.
Friends and family care about us.
There will be seasons of mountain top victory, and joy!
There will also be seasons of valleys and the darkness will threaten to steal my joy.
My prayer is that I can remember, He's got this..He's got me.
My prayer is that my permanent residence will be in a life of love.
There is no room in love for fear.


Here are some important take aways from this year.

I've always been independent (ask my people)...
However, the comrade and genuine connection I shared with my HU class
created a security and confidence in me.
It allowed me to open up (in my unique way) and be inspired to create more relationships.
I encourage you to reach out.
We live so disconnected these days.
Find a group, or 1-2 people who you can share with and confide in.
If you can't find those people, reach out to ME.
I will be the "other" in your life.

Be willing to be vulnerable.
Vulnerability seems to be one in the same as Weakness.
To be vulnerable, to be willing to humble yourself...
Creates growth and change.
We are not meant to stay the same.
We are designed to GROW and CHANGE.
Be the change, be willing to break.
You will be stronger for it.

This isn't something new.
You've heard it before.
Change does NOT happen overnight.
Make the "change" part of your everyday.
Create new habits one at a time.
You can NOT possibly change everything overnight.
You will fix one thing...only to discover a new something.
Keep pressing forward.
BE patient.
BE consistent.

I'm honored to have shared my journey with you.
My ramblings...if you will.
I'm constantly learning...and growing.
Transformations take place in many forms.
It doesn't have to be all about the physical.
Trust me.
When you work on yourself from the inside out..
You will be better for it.

Love you.
Love, me.


"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  Philippians 1:6

Stay tuned...
I hope to continue my journey.
Be encouraged.
Be inspired.

 After NOI with my family.  Love, my supportive husband and my precious girls..so so much!

 HU group pic!  Love these people and we will always share a connection after sharing in this experience together!

Just me.  
Same me...just working on becoming who I am meant to be.
Always a work in progress!

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