
7:03 PM

Crazy schedule.  Crazy mom.  Crazy busy.  Crazy love.  Crazy kids.

Crazy emotional. Crazy mess.  Crazy house.  Crazy fun.

Crazy Life.

I think we all suffer from our own kind of 'crazy' in this life.
This entire month has been CRAZY.
I'm finding as I go through this year, however, there isn't a whole lot of calm, still, or quiet to my life.
And yet, even in the midst of the crazy I have had to commit to keeping the consistency.
No matter how crazy it gets, I've kept my heart in it.
....the missed meal prep....
....the kids' poison ivy and stomach flu that kept us from the gym....
.....  dance rehearsals and time spent on hair and make-up....
....a 2lb weight gain...
.... forgetting to pack my snacks.....
..... leaving my breakfast eggs on the counter, forgetting to eat in the rush....
.... the too late nights, and the early morning wake-ups....
...the DQ blizzards with the fam...
I kept as close to my eating plan as possible.
I found opportunities to move my body even if I wasn't at the gym.
I read a devotional that reminded me of the truths and gave me a healthier perspective
of food and of fullness in Christ.

I tell ya, it is never easy.
This past week I had two different people compliment on how great I'm looking.
I'm hanging on tight to perspective lately.
Yes, I gained 2 lbs.  That was hard.  Not going to lie.
I couldn't give up.  I couldn't let myself wallow in defeat.
I had to reflect on what had been different.
What could I do differently?  Did anything need to change?
I finally settled on, yes.  I could change some things.  Add a little bit of this and a little less of that.
However, I also decided what was 2lbs in comparison to what I have lost?
I got some advice.  Don't stop.
Well, I'm not in the business of stopping.
I might be a bit "stuck" in the since of dropping lbs this month compared to my loss in the previous months, but I'm still making gains in all the right ways!
( I lost 6 by the next weigh-in!  Redemption!)

So when crazy comes knocking.
OR, you wake up one day and realize there is never going to be a day
(Monday, someday, next month...)
better than right NOW to make a change.
Jump on the crazy train and ride it all the way to success!
YES.  I love cliches'.  :)

Be crazy.
Love yourself enough to be the change.
Make crazy progress.
Eat crazy good.
Set goals and crush them like crazy.

Here's to the start of summer break!
Shout out to all you mommies out there.  I'll be the CRAZY mom toting my 3 beauties to the gym, pool, and whatever else we decide to add to out crazy busy lives!
Bring on June...I'm ready to say good-bye to the 200's and HELLO to the 100's bracket!

Here's some shots from our Summer Lovin' photo shoot!


2:36 PM

  1. 1.  having a great deal to do

This has been the going theme in my life the last few weeks...
(who am I kidding, I have 3 my. life.)
Despite the "busy" I have continued to stick to my commitment and make time.

It became clear to me last year, that when life gets busy and things come up
(cue, stress)
I tend to revert to the caregiver role and forget to make time for myself as well.

So far this year I have made time to...
still be mom and wife first, of course
but also time for
the gym
food prep
healthy u meetings
meditation and daily prayer
training and completing a 5k
the girls' activities -church, dance, school
healthy U 1st quarter evaluations
and numerous other people and things that I could add to my list...

I've created some great habits along the way.
I've established a solid routine that seems to allow for all most all of these things.
I have a husband who is my biggest support and the BEST dad to our girls.
I have my God, His grace is enough as I stumble through most days.

I've learned so much already.
There is enough time in the day to take some for just me
My worst enemy is my negative self-talk
I am strong-willed
Relationships and people, their support, are priceless
My family is proud of me
I am not a quitter, I can persevere
I don't mind hard work
I need routine and schedules to keep me on track
.Slaying dragons has really been therapeutic, so far.
I enjoy the journey, so I need not create a permanent destination.
I can be progress in motion.

I'm excited for the summer break,
I'm also nervous for the change in my schedule.
My first priority will be to establish and maintain a summer routine with the girls.
Wake, Eat, Gym, Play, Learn, Move.  Repeat.

I've also set some knew goals for Healthy U moving forward...
As a family, we plan to begin riding bikes together
I want to try out a water aerobics class
and I would also love to compete in a fun run, like Tough Muddder!

As of today, Im down nearly 70 lbs from where I started Jan 1.
I've lost over 50 inches from my body.
(that might be a small person)
As much as I'm proud of this accomplishment, my real victory will come when I reach the point in my life where I know I have slain the dragon of self-doubt.
I've lost the weight before but didn't see true victory because I still didn't believe it was enough.
This year my goal is to conquer the fears and doubts that drive me back to my defeated, over-weight self.
That is NOT who I am.

 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

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